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17 E-Biketour to the Monte Sole of Naturno

Quick Overview

Distance 25 km
Elevation gain 1.150 m
Elevation gain 1.150 m
Duration 3:30 h

1 = very easy (max. 200 hm)
2 = easy (max. 400 hm)
3 = medium (max. 800 hm
4 = difficult (max. 1200 hm)
5 = very difficult (über 1200 hm)

Tour months

March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November


Helmet, gloves, good shoes, glasses as well as bike clothing and drinking bottle!

Course: Naturno - Monte Sole - farm "Lint" - Monte "Fuchsberg" - Val Senales - Naturno

From the tourist office of Naturno we ride to the lido of the village, turn left until the war memorial and then turn right into a steep street that leads us on the Monte Sole of Naturno. We pass the castle of Hochnaturns and ride to the "Rofenhof" (1033m). We keep left and ride towards the farms "Unterstell" and "Lint" (1484m). We pass the farm "Lint" and on the next hairpin bend we turn left to follow the trail nr. 10. We follow the forest road also on the next crossroad, to finally reach the asphalted street of "Fuchsberg", which we follow downhill to reach the street that leads into the Val Senales. We take this road to get back to Naturno (pay attention in the tunnels at the beginning of the Val Senales)

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