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10 E-Biketour to the castle of Annaberg

Quick Overview

Distance 42 km
Elevation gain 1.050 m
Elevation gain 1.050 m
Duration 4:00 h

1 = very easy (max. 200 hm)
2 = easy (max. 400 hm)
3 = medium (max. 800 hm
4 = difficult (max. 1200 hm)
5 = very difficult (über 1200 hm)

Tour months

March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November


Helmet, gloves, good shoes, glasses as well as bike clothing and drinking bottle!

Course: Naturno (554 m) – Castelbello (600 m) – Montetrumes (1.300 m) – Farm Ratschillhof (1.282 m) - Casle S. Anna (1.015 m) – Vezzano (708 m) – Coldrano (700 m) – Laces (639 m) – Naturno

From the town center of Naturno, we take Via Stazione / Bahnhofstraße which leads us to a bridge, the starting point of the cycle path on the Lungoadige / Etschdamm. We turn right and take the cycle path towards Stava, Ciardes and finally Castelbello, where we cross the main street and start the climb to "Montetrumes" and "San Martino al Monte" (signposted). After a mid-steep but long climb, passing by some farms (Köstenplonhof, Platz Mairhof) we reach the crossroad to the farm "Ratschillhöfe" (signposted) at approximatly 1440m above sea level. We follow on the street for about 1,2 km. Just before the farm we turn left to ride downhill to the castle of S. Anna, which we pass to get to Vezzano (signposted). At the church of Vezzano we turn left and follow the signs to Coldrano. Arrived in Coldrano we take the cycle path to get back to Naturno, our final destination.

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